Save on Sales Tax and Hassles by Establishing Your Montana LLC and Registering Your Vehicle with Our Expert Titling Specialists

No Emissions; No Sales Tax
If it Flies, Drives or Floats We Can Register It

At Montana Titling Specialist, we're committed to helping you save on sales tax. Forming a Montana LLC and making purchases through it is one of the best ways to achieve this. Let us make the entire process of LLC formation, vehicle registration, and licensing seamless and hassle-free for you.

Our expertise covers a wide range of vehicles, including cars, trucks, motorhomes, trailers, ATVs, and vessels. No State sales tax or emission testing.

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Contact Us

Contact us today to learn how we can assist you with your titling needs and help you save big on taxes and more.

Customer Review

Check out what our customers have to say about Montana Titling Specialist!

I have worked with Jennifer for a while and find her to be very efficient and responsible when handling my LLC maintenance. She is also perfect when I need help with my titling. I highly recommend her company when it comes to handling business in Montana. She is always on top of things and responds quickly to any issues or questions I may have.

Jamie Weiss - Personal Account Services LLC


Frequently Asked Questions About LLC's

Here are some common questions about Montana LLC's answered! Click below to see more.

Learn More

1How does a Montana LLC help to avoid sales tax?
Sales tax is paid upon registration in your home state, due to your Montana LLC owning the asset, it will be registered in the state of Montana. Montana does not asses personal property, sales tax and does not require annual inspections.
2How many members can my LLC have?
Your LLC can contain as many members as you wish. The first two members are included in your set up fee. Each additional member will be assessed an additional $25 fee
3Do I have to file taxes for my LLC?
No, your LLC will be designated as a disregarded entity for the purpose of asset management only. No actual business is being conducted
4Will my personal name appear on my vehicle registration?
No, the sole owner of the vehicle/asset will be the LLC utilizing the Montana address. You will however be listed as a member/owner of the LLC on the articles of organization issued by the state.
5How do I get Montana license plates and title?
Once you have made your purchase and we receive the original documents we will handle the registration for you. Once completed we will mail you your plates, registration and title upon payment. If you are looking to transfer a currently owned item to your LLC, you will simply sign the current title as seller, then mail us your current title to be replaced with a Montana issued title in the name of your LLC.